Transfer ETH from Coinbase to Trust Wallet

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How to transfer ETH from Coinbase to Trust Wallet? This guide explains in detail the new feature of Trust Wallet to withdraw automatically.

Bought some ETH tokens on Coinbase and want to use them on a decentralized exchange? Or maybe you want to send the tokens away from the exchange to a crypto wallet that’s under your control? To do this, you need to withdraw your coins from Coinbase.

In general, to withdraw Ethereum(ETH) tokens from Coinbase, you have several options. The most common ways are using Metamask as a Chrome extension or using the Trust Wallet that is compatible with the BSC Binance blockchain.

This article will give some easy-to-follow steps including useful images, to help you withdraw your ETH from Coinbase to Trust Wallet in no time.

Transfer ETH Coins From Coinbase to Trust Wallet: Quicktake

In short, below are the necessary steps to send Ethereum tokens from Coinbase to Trust Wallet. Additionally, I assume you already have a Coinbase account and are using a mobile device. Overall, you have to do the following:

  • Login on your Coinbase App
  • Install Trust Wallet on your device
  • Create a new wallet and write down the recovery phrase(key)
  • Find ETH token and choose ‘Deposit
  • Click ‘Deposit from exchange‘ and start the withdrawal process

The steps above are a quick take of the steps you have to follow. Later on, in this guide, I’ll go more into detail by including screenshots. Spoiler: using Coinbase withdrawals within the Trust Wallet App, are the fastest and most easy to follow exercise!

Why use Trust Wallet

First of all, Trust Wallet is a beginner-friendly solution for those who want to know more about DeFi, NFTs, and storing coins in general. Especially, the idea of having control over a wide array of tokens in the palm of your hand makes it very appealing.

Also, Trust Wallet is famous for using several dAPPs including PancakeSwap, AppolloX, WazirX, or LooksRare(NFTs). For example, if you want to trade your ETH tokens on a DEX you can use Pancakeswap to swap any token for ETH. All this will be executed on the underlying BSC blockchain network.

Trust Wallet and Coinbase withdrawals

Why use Trust Wallet for Coinbase withdrawals? Usually, when you want to send tokens away from the Coinbase exchange it takes some extra work. For instance, you have to use two apps at the same time(Coinbase and external wallet) and switch between them. Overall, the withdrawal process isn’t very convenient that’s why Trust Wallet integrated the Coinbase withdrawal process.

In other words, when using Coinbase withdrawals with Trust Wallet, the entire task can be done from within the App. In my opinion, this is a great step forward and prevents the following:

  • Crypto withdrawals are risky and not refundable
  • No more copy/paste long codes(public keys)
  • No need to use the QR and switch between Apps or devices

Finally, using Coinbase withdrawals within the Trust Wallet App is a new feature. In addition, with this feature, there’s no need to worry about putting in the right address. It’s all done automatically for you.

How to Setup Trust Wallet

At the beginning of this guide, I explained to you shortly the process of creating a wallet on Trust Wallet. In this section, I’ll guide you step-by-step in the automatic withdrawal process of getting fresh new ETH coins in your Trust Wallet.

  1. Go to the Trust Wallet homepage.
  2. Click the icon to download the app for your device.
  3. Open the app.
  4. Tap Create a new wallet.
  5. Check the box and tap Continue to accept the Terms of Usage.
  6. Take note of your recovery phrase.
    • It’s important to keep this safe because anyone can use it to access your wallet.
    • It’s not possible to take a screenshot of this screen.
  7. Tap Continue.
  8. Re-enter the recovery phrase to verify it.
  9. Tap Continue.

At this point, you are all set and can start using the Trust Wallet.

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Withdraw ETH coins from Coinbase To Trust Wallet

As mentioned earlier, crypto withdrawals from Coinbase when using Trust Wallet is an easy and automated process. Below are the steps you must follow:

  1. Make sure you are logged in at your Coinbase account
  2. Open Trust Wallet App
    Trust Wallet start screen
  3. Tap on Ethereum
    Tap Ethereum Trust Wallet
  4. Find Receive button above
    Receive ETH on Trust Wallet
  5. Tap Receive button
  6. Choose Deposit from Exchange below
  7. Tap Coinbase – Deposit from your Coinbase account
  8. The Coinbase App opens and asks you to Transfer ETH
    Transfer ETH from Coinbase to Trust Wallet
  9. Enter the amount of ETH in fiat currency(EUR, USD, etc)
  10. Finally, click Preview send and Confirm

In my opinion, this is a very smooth, quick, and safe solution that will help beginners in DeFi a lot. Moreover, you can’t make mistakes by choosing the wrong Blockchain network or dealing with copy/paste with the withdrawal address.

Finally, at this point, you are all set to use ETH coins within your own wallet app. Also, you are ready to start using with trading on the Coinbase Chain. Good luck 😁

Conclusion: Transfer ETH coins From Coinbase with Trust Wallet

This brand new feature of Trust Wallet has made life a lot easier for beginning crypto traders that want to enter the DeFi space. By offering an integrated solution in the Coinbase withdrawal process when using the Trust Wallet App. In short, the following issues have been solved:

  • No need to switch between apps or devices
  • Copy/paste of withdrawal address has become obsolete
  • No more QR-scan

Recommended: How to withdraw from Trust Wallet to PayPal

FAQ – Withdraw ETH Coins From Coinbase

Can I withdraw from Coinbase to Trust Wallet?

Users can now transfer crypto assets from their Coinbase Crypto Wallet to their Trust Wallet app without any fees except for the gas fees or needing to scan/input a wallet address.

Can I Send Ethereum from Coinbase to Trust Wallet?

As explained earlier, it’s now possible to send Ethereum(ETH) from Coinbase to Trust Wallet without the need for a QR code or copy and paste the ETH address. This is a very convenient and safe way to transfer funds between wallets.

Are ETH coins available on Trust Wallet?

In short, yes they are. Trust Wallet shows Bitcoin(BTC), Ethereum(ETH), BNB Beacon Chain, and BNB Smart Chain as the default cryptocurrency tokens.

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